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1st Tuesday nights: ROUNDTABLE NET: 8:30 pm CST
1st Thursday nights: LADIES FIRST NET: 9:00 pm CST
Every Thursday night: PRAYER NET: 8:00 pm CST. Net control will be Rev. Greg (kd5hlv)

Come and join us! We would be happy to hear from you and welcome any new "check-ins"!
For those of you that are not ham radio operators, a "net" is a structured gathering of ham radio operators on a single frequency that is controlled by an individual termed "net control". Operators from the surrounding areas check in to "net control" using their call-signs and "net control" logs all of those checking in.
If you happen to have a VHF scanner, and are in the Central Texas area, tune in to 147.180 mhz at the times posted above to hear the activity. It is MOST interesting to monitor and you might just get the "ham-radio bug" also!

| HOME | 440 repeater | Meeting location | Skywarn course | Current weather |
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