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* (on site utilities)
Frequency: 147.180 Tone: 123.0
Soon to come! * Frequency: 444.400 Tone: 123.0
Join the good fellowship! * Nets held on our frequency
Club meetings are held at the * Clifton fire station in Clifton, Texas on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
We would love to see you there and also * get your ham radio "ticket" from us!
Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 7:00 PM
We offer ham radio classes for those of you that want to "get off the 'ol scanner" and get in on the action!
CLICK "ticket" for details!
Our newest hams on the frequency:
Welcome to the "ham family"!!
* On site utilities:
Ckick on skywarn for the ADVANCED SPOTTERS FIELD GUIDE !
Click the banner for severe weather links!
Click on ARRL to learn about amateur radio!
* Our repeater trustee
* Commercial Ham Radio Websites
* Our links page!
Look around !
View Our Guestbook
Sign Our Guestbook
Please feel free to leave comments, interesting URLs, and ham radio related items in the guestbook.
73... From the Bosque County Amateur Radio Club!
Bosque County, Texas.
E-mail our club at: bcarc@htcomp.net
Special thanks to KC5RDB for the page counter and the new page logo!
Contact webmaster at: kc5pie@swbell.net
Yes, we love our hobby! (grin)
DON'T CLICK HERE! (An ugly photo of the webmaster at work, yuk!)